
Biggest Health Conspiracy.

Did you know that one out of every three Americans is obese. That's over 52 million people who are at risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and certain forms of cancer.

Its true that no one is forcing you to put another piece of chocolate or potato chip into your mouth, but there are incredibly powerful economic forces at work that are actively encouraging you to gain weight, all in the name of profits.

The trillion dollar food industry is constantly sending you messages about what you should eat. 99% of the time, they're certainly not recommending anything healthy.

Why is this? Because they make more money by encouraging you to eat more.Processed foods are much more addicting than healthy foods like fruit and vegetables in their raw, natural form.

In fact, large food companies like General Foods and Procter & Gamble employ some of the the brightest minds to study customer psychology. They know all of your hot buttons, even those you may not even currently be aware of. They know all of our likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams, heroes, and desires. You can bet that they capitalize on each one of these to lure us into to buying their particular product.

Just think, if they can get each of us to gain few pounds by till next month, they'll meet their sales goal. As you can see, most people aren't prepared to compete against this psychological battle. In fact, most of us don't even realize what's going on.

Think about all of those athletes posing with their "favorite" products. Do you think they actually eat what they're promoting? Of course not. Their livelihood is dependent upon having an incredible physique. But of course, all is well in the name of profits.


Stretching - Trunk

Today i will be presenting you the last article on stretching. Hope you are gaining positively from the exercises. Before concluding i want to say that don't ignore any precautions as discussed in last articles and follow the correct procedure while performing them.

Chest Stretch
stand and interlock the fingers behind the back.Lift the arms behind the back so that they move outwards and away from the body.lean forward from the waist . Maintain this position for 10 to 15 seconds . Bend the knees before moving to upright position.

Upper Back Stretch

Stand with the arms extended to the front at the shoulder with the fingers interfaced and palms facing outwards. Extend the arms and shoulder forward. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds.

Backward Bending (Extension)
Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your knees as straight as possible. Place your hands on your back firmly at your waist level. Bend backwards at your waist keeping the knees as straight as possible. Hold for few seconds. Return slowly to the upright position.

Side Bending
Stand up straight with your arms at your sides and your feet shoulder width apart. Now Bend your trunk to one side, by lowering your shoulder Run your hand down the outside of your thigh. Hold for seconds. Slowly straighten up and repeat to the opposite side.

Abdominal stretch

This Stretches the abdominal muscles and also arm muscles. Stand and extend the arms upward and over the head. First interlock the fingers with the palm turned upwards, now stretch the arms and slightly back. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds.

Neck Stretch
Stand with the back straight and feet shoulder width apart. Place the hands on the hips and then roll the head slowly the left, making a complete circle with the path of the head. Do this three times in each direction


Stretching - Upper Limbs

After the prank of first April, lets continue our session which we left earlier. In this post i will be telling you important stretching exercises of the upper limb and the shoulder . There are pictures included for easy understanding of the steps.

Shoulder Stretch:
The shoulder stretch, as the name implies stretches your posterior shoulder muscles. In a standing position, bring the first arm across your chest while using your second arm to pull it towards your chest. You should feel this stretching your shoulder muscles. After 15-20 seconds of stretching your first shoulder, switch arms.

Triceps Stretch:
This triceps stretch is also done in the sitting position. Bring your first arm up and place the palm of your hand down the center of your back with your elbow in the air. Place your other hand on your elbow and gently hold in place as you stretch your first arm. After a stretching of 15 to 20 seconds switch your arms.

Biceps Stretch:
Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Now hold your arms out to the side parallel with the ground and the palms of the hand facing forward. Rotate the hands so the palms face to the rear, stretch the arms back as far as possible. You should feel the stretch across your chest and in the biceps.


New vitamin found !!

Hey, friends, i just read about a great discovery by scientists, I have to interrupt the series on stretching to give you this news. Read on for more details.

Scientists recently announced discovery of a new essential vitamin, thiomethylaprilamine (A1). This vitamin is not found in any food in the vegetable kingdom. It's not found in any animal, either, with one exception. It's not available as a supplement, since it's too difficult to synthesize. The sole source of this vitamin is the human body. The only way to obtain this essential nutrient is by consuming human flesh.

If you have not been doing so, you are probably deficient. Deficiency symptoms include (but are not limited to) : Anxiety, backaches, boredom,cavities, colds, constipation, depression, fatigue, gas, headaches,heartburn, hemorrhoids, indigestion, ingrown toenails, itching, malaise, nausea, nearsightedness, obesity, thinning hair, tobacco addiction, and toothaches.

If you have ever had any of these symptoms, you had better get more of this vitamin. What are you thinking ....... :)